Quick Facts
- Categories: Celebrities & Gossip, Entertainment, Entertainment & Media, Hairstyle, Movies & TV, Pop, Teens
- Magazine-Agent.com Sales Rank: 215
- Website: J-14
- Follow J-14 with Toc
- Customer Service Number: (800) 215-7275
J14 Magazine
J-14, abbreviated from the original title “just for teens” is the #1 teen celebrity magazine!
Timely and always star-worthy, J-14 covers celebrity news like no other teen title. From up-to-the-minute breaking news and star style standouts to who's dating who and must-watch entertainment, J-14 is THE all access destination for teens with a passion for pop culture.
Timely and always star-worthy, J-14 covers celebrity news like no other teen title. From up-to-the-minute breaking news and star style standouts to who's dating who and must-watch entertainment, J-14 is THE all access destination for teens with a passion for pop culture.
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