Metropolis Subscription Offers
Quick Facts
- Categories: Art & Design, Business & Culture, Decorative Arts, Design & Decoration, Graphic Design, Home & Gardening, Home Improvement, Industrial, Industries & Professions, International
- Magazine-Agent.com Sales Rank: 454
- Website: Metropolis
- Customer Service Number: (800) 344-3046
For 35 years, Metropolis has been the architecture and design industry’s most compelling storyteller. Metropolis's editorial scope spans design at all scales—from the smallest products to city planning. Metropolis has always sought out, and featured, the game changers in the industry, from emerging talent to established individuals and organizations. And each issue contains stories that link design to evolving cultural trends, from big data to the maker movement. Our readers expect us to take them behind the scenes and share innovations, reveal breakthrough processes, and keep them ahead of the curve. With its innovative graphic presentation and provocative voice, Metropolis shows how richly designed our world can be.
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