Wine Spectator Magazine Subscription Offers
Quick Facts
- Categories: Baking, Cailifornia, Cooking, Food & Wine, Hobby & Special Interest, International, Travel & Regional, Wine
- Magazine-Agent.com Sales Rank: 38
- Website: Wine Spectator
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- Customer Service Number: (800) 395-3364
Wine Spectator Magazine
With vivid articles and exquisite spotlights on wineries and travel destinations, it's no wonder that Wine Spectator is America's largest-selling wine publication. Whether you're the ultimate wine connoisseur or simply interested in the lifestyle, Wine Spectator is a fundamental resource for the latest information on tastings, rank and production in the wine industry. Every issue comes with a "Buying Guide," full of discerning reviews and ratings for over 500 wine releases. With a pocket-size shopping list in every issue, Wine Spectator not only makes it easy to find that perfect bottle of wine to complement a particular dish - it transforms wine consumption into an informative and interactive experience. Issues include detachable cards depicting featured wines for easy reference, along with wine ratings lists scored by expert editors. You'll also find essential lists offering organized breakdowns, such as "The 50 Finest California Reds," and contact information of wineries to schedule your next excursion!
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